Thursday, January 30, 2014

Magazin Pho

This is another great little place about 5 blocks from the house.  It was recommended to us by one of Matt's employees.  If you have never had Pho, find a place and get some.  It's a Vietnamese food that uses various broths and meats, and it is delicious!

A couple funny stories go along with this trip.  The first revolves around the fact that this place is BYOB.  Matt went a grabbed a bottle of wine while we were waiting on our food.  After Matt had poured a couple of glasses, he got distracted by who knows what, and was caught by Caryn and a staff member drinking out of the bottle.  It wasn't intentional, but I guess it goes to show that you can take the man out of the party, but you can't take the party out of the man...

The other stories almost put poor Caryn into the hospital.  If you notice, each of the plates came with fresh sliced jalapenos.  We each added them to our Pho, which gave it a nice spice, but not too bad.  Caryn happened to notice Matt eating one of his jalapenos, and asked if it was hot.  Now Matt had a chance to put Caryn through the ringer, but instead, he was honest, and let Caryn know that it was pretty hot.  Now here is where the communication broke down.  Caryn didn't know that there was a difference between pickled jalapenos and fresh jalapenos.  She decided that she would be fine, and casually ate one...I believe her exact quote was immediate and to the point..."I made a mistake, I regret that."  She followed that quote with the fast consumption of her water, then my water, then her wine, then she just soaked her lips in the ice left over from her water...  Matt couldn't stop laughing.  It happened before he could do anything to stop it.  Needless to say, Caryn will not be eating fresh jalapenos any more.
This is a Chicken spring roll, served with a hoisin peanut sauce. I have a recipe for the house, but have yet to try it...more to come!

Matt got the combination of steak, and meat balls.

Caryn go the filet tips.

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